React-Three-Fiber — let’s create a dice

Napoleon Services
3 min readSep 24, 2020


A nice dice

This article is outdated. To apply multiple textures on one object, refer to

In this article I want to show you how simple it is to create a mesh with different textures on each surface. It can even be multiple materials. You’ll learn how to load textures and display them on a cube.

Start with a basic react-three-fiber setup. Just fork the demo below.

Next, in the Box function we copy the material 6 times. One material for each side.

Inside our public folder, create a folder called textures.

Upload these images into textures.

Next, we need a Texture Loader. It comes with three.js, so we have to import that. On top of our document:

import { TextureLoader } from ‘three/src/loaders/TextureLoader.js’;

and now, inside our Box() function, we can use that loader.

const texture_1 = useLoader(TextureLoader, 'textures/dice_1.jpg');

To use the loader, we also have to import a useLoader function from react-three.

import { Canvas, useFrame, useLoader } from 'react-three-fiber'

If we look at the output of this function, we can see it’s all gut. Wait, no, it’s not all gut:

React wants us to display something else while the texture is loading. Ok, why not.

Import Suspense from react.

import React, { useRef, Suspense } from ‘react’

And in our Canvas output, put the box inside a Suspense component.

With Suspense you are able to show a loading indicator. Here is more information:

Now it’s working, and our console shows the following:

console imported texture

Add a const for every texture and use it for each dice side.

But wait… now we only see one texture applied.

To fix that we have to replace




And voila, it creates a texture for each surface.

A nice dice.

